Down to Earth Forest School Update


Down to Earth Forest School is reaching out to the wider community to share some news and to ask for help. For the last three years we have been using the land of Mary S. Young Park in West Linn, OR. In November of 2023 the City of West Linn hired a new Parks Director and after an in person meeting in late April 2024 and a few emails back and forth since, she let us know on July 10, 2024 that she doesn’t see a path forward for our school at that location. 

In the face of this news, we are in the midst of unearthing solutions and alternative locations for our school. Additionally, we are working to negotiate with the City in an effort to encourage them to reconsider. We are seeking your help to elevate our cause and highlight the importance of Down to Earth Forest School staying at Mary S Young Park. Please review this informational hot sheet to gain valuable background information and insights into our positioning. 

We have compiled a list of action items that we would be extremely grateful for help with:

  • Write a letter in support of our program and send it to the following decision makers (template), please also CC us on the emails you send: 

    • Parks Director, Megan Big John - 

    • Parks Advisory Committee - 

    • West Linn Mayor, Rory Biolostosky -

    • West Linn City Manager, John Williams -

    • West Linn City Council - 

  • Submit public comments before 12pm tomorrow for the Parks and Recreation Advisory Board Meeting tomorrow July 11th at 5:30pm. This meeting page has an agenda link that outlines how to submit comments. 

Together with the Down to Earth Steering Committee and Board or Directors we are doing everything in our power to activate and resource ourselves in support of staying at Mary S. Young. If you have solutions based feedback or resources please email Heidi McKay directly at We will send an update when we have new information.

The Down to Earth community is not unfamiliar with adversity. We are resilient. Mother Earth wants us to continue this work and so we must keep faith and hope alive in this season of change. 

Love and gratitude,

Heidi and Audra

Heidi Mckay