DTEFS July 16 Update
We are a special community
First and foremost, I am blown away by the level and magnitude of support from our internal families and external wider forest school community. Letters have reached my inbox from complete strangers that make me emotional and totally humbled. Over ninety people showed up last night on behalf of Down to Earth, more folks than city council had ever seen at one of their meetings- well done! We had fifteen people speak to the council and an exhaustive list of others who wanted to speak both online and in person that could have extended the public comment period well into the evening.
Leora Klisak (9 years) adds her public comment at City Council on July 15th 2024
Secondly, I would like to give an update of Down to Earth’s current position. After the public comment period, Rory Bialostosky thanked our respectful community and said that together with council members they will grant us temporary use of the park to alleviate the pressure from our current families that their child’s school will be available for their child to attend at Mary S. Young Park in the fall. It is my understanding, based on the recorded verbal agreement found here (City Council Meeting; mayor remarks start at 1:07:45) that:
We will be granted a temporary agreement to stay at Mary S. Young Park, and
The mayor and council recommended to the City of West Linn staff that they work with the Down to Earth Steering Committee to find a long term agreement for our use of the park.
The City of West Linn has been most respectful to our community thus far. I am very hopeful that they will do their best to work with us to find a long term pathway forward.
Ms. Heidi adds her public comment at City Council on July 15th 2024
Down to Earth Forest School is committed to cultivating the next generation of public land stewards through the process of place-based nature immersion. The City of West Linn also posed an opportunity to our students to see democracy in action, and together with their love for the land and understanding of civic engagement, I am hopeful that after we are gone the children of Down to Earth will continue to carry the torch for the protection of our green spaces.
The Next Generation
Down to Earth Forest School is committed to cultivating the next generation of public land stewards through the process of place-based nature immersion. The City of West Linn also posed an opportunity to our students to see democracy in action, and together with their love for the land and understanding of civic engagement, I am hopeful that after we are gone the children of Down to Earth will continue to carry the torch for the protection of our green spaces.
With deep gratitude I sign off to spend a few days hiking on our public lands with my family, but I leave you with a few things to note in the weeks to come:
We are hiring for a second and third grade teacher in the fall. If you know someone who might be a good fit, please have them email me (Heidi), and we will be conducting interviews the last week in July.
Several people were interested in purchasing DTE swag- here is the order form.
Here is the 24/25 calendar! Please make notes of important celebrations and school breaks.
On Wednesdays in the summer, the DTE community meets up at various parks as an unofficial community building opportunity. If you’re interested in joining, please reach out on Discord to find out the details.
There is still an opportunity to write a letter to the city if you would like to convey your support or concerns to the city.
Write a letter in support of our program and send it to the following decision makers (template). Please also CC us on the emails you send.
Parks Director, Megan Big John - mbigjohn@westlinnoregon.gov
Parks Advisory Committee - twiencken@westlinnoregon.gov
West Linn Mayor, Rory Biolostosky - rbialostosky@westlinnoregon.gov
West Linn City Manager, John Williams - jwilliams@westlinnoregon.gov
West Linn City Council - citycouncil@westlinnoregon.gov
Love and gratitude,
Ms. Heidi
“Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world.”
-Margret Mead